What is Freedom Session?
Freedom Session is an intensive healing-discipleship journey that uncovers the roots of pain in our lives and invites Jesus Christ to heal those areas of our hearts.
Each session, participants engage in both a large group and a small group setting.
The large group component includes teaching for the evening. Participants all follow along in the workbook and receive the same teaching. After this, participants break into their small group, led by a facilitator, where there is time to go deep together in a more personal setting.
Freedom Session deals with real issues…pornography, broken marriages, sexual woundedness and abuse, depression, anger, fear and addiction. Beneath these symptoms, you will find a wounded and empty heart, looking for hope and meaning.
As Jesus begins to heal the heart, the unhealthy and destructive ways we used to escape the pain in our lives become less and less attractive. Shame loses its grip on our lives and the lies that controlled us are replaced by God’s truth.
In its simplest form, Freedom Session is writing your story with a new and God-inspired ending.
Freedom Session has proven effective for people from every walk of life, every economic level and virtually every possible area of woundedness. And it is equally effective for those with little church experience to those raised in the church their entire lives.
Freedom Session runs once a week from September - March.
What Does Freedom Session Involve?
Discipleship: Inviting God into our lives to help us live out the abundant life He has for us!
It is easy to become comfortable with who we are, but living an examined life invites God to reveal issues He wants to address so we can grow and further reflect the character and life of Christ.
"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." – Psalm 139:23-24
FS encourages us to look honestly at how we deal with the challenges and troubles in life. It asks us to take look into our past experiences, our strengths, our weaknesses and challenges us to replace character defects with the character of God.
Emotional and Relational Healing
God wants us to be whole - in our spirit, soul, and body. Freedom Session is so much more than a recovery program - it leads us through the pain and into God's plan of healing.
Jesus doesn't offer us coping skills, He can offer us healing; life, life, and even more life!
The labels and issues we have worn, not good enough, broken, damaged, failure, were actually nailed to the cross! Freedom Session will help you identify these hurts and allow Jesus to lead you into wholeness and healing in these areas.
Specific Tools To Deal With Pain Or Conflict God's Way
In Freedom Session, we identify our drugs of choice - things or behaviours we run to when life gets hard. Some choose food, affirmation of others, alcohol, sexual indulgence, work, performance, TV, or hobbies. The bible teaches us that anything we choose over God runs the risk of becoming an idol. Freedom Session gives us specific tools to identify these idols and choose a healthier way - God's way to deal with pain or conflict.
"I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." - Romans 12:1
Who is Freedom Session For?
Freedom Session is equally effective for people from all walks of life, every socio-economic level and virtually every possible area of woundedness.
We’re all on the same journey. We all want to be loved, find meaning and hope in this life and in our relationships. We’ve all been broken to some degree. And we all need a measure of healing!!!
Life is simply too short to be lived out while enslaved to our past hurts and unhealthy habits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How Is Freedom Session Different From Traditional 12-Step Recovery Programs?
A: Traditional 12 Step recovery programs ask you to turn your life and your will over to god ‘as you understand him to be,’ and refer to this god as a “Higher Power.” Freedom Session is based on a solid conviction that Jesus Christ IS God, the Highest Power and the only one who can heal our hearts, transform our lives and set us free from our unhealthy behaviours, bitterness or addictions. Freedom Session is much deeper than most 12 Step programs because it is primarily focused on healing the heart. Once this occurs, the unhealthy ways we once felt were necessary to escape pain or avoid conflict, are now reduced to a “bad choice” no longer needed.
Freedom Session also deals with softer core addictions that often work themselves into more complex addictions. These include food addiction, love addictions, affirmation addictions, perfectionism, workaholism, TV, gaming and internet addictions. We believe we all have one or more “drugs of choice” we use to illegitimately escape pain or avoid conflict.
Homework is an essential and exciting aspect of Freedom Session and we have consistently found that the more you put into the 1-2 hour weekly Homework Assignment, the more life-change you will experience.
Both Freedom Session and Authentic Living offer practical LIFE SKILLS to help you deal with current pain and teach you how to personally communicate with God, journal, break unholy sexual Soul Ties and resist temptation. One of your greatest moments of life-change will occur as you develop a personal and detailed LIFE PLAN by which to pursue your priorities and values.
12 Step programs are most commonly attended by people with addictions or compulsive behaviours. Freedom Session is for everyone!
Q: What Does A Typical Freedom Session Look Like?
A: Freedom Session runs once a week on a Monday evening at Impact Life Church. It begins with large group time where all participants receive the same teaching follow along in their workbooks. After a refreshment break, participants move to their small groups. Each small group is headed off by a facilitator and the group remains the same for the length of the program.
Each Freedom Session Evening runs approximately 2 hours.
Participants can expect the heart assignments and workbook material to take then approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete throughout the week. Participants must complete this every week in order to be a part of their small group.
Q: How Long Is Freedom Session? What Is My Commitment?
A: Freedom Session is a 20-week program, running from September till March with appropriate breaks for holidays. Each participant is expected to attend the weekly sessions, arriving on time and ready to participate by completing the appropriate workbook assignment.
The financial commitment for Freedom Session is $100.00